Instead of Worrying, Do Something About It

7/14/2012 0 Comments A+ a-

When you're worried try not to think about it. For example imagine that you are surrounded by mountains of laundry. So much that you can't even move. What should you do when you're in such a laundry predicament. 

And what's worse, you have no washing machine so you have to wash each thing one by one by hand. Tohru-kun would be at loss. You may wonder if you can ever wash all of them. Can you ever get them like new again? Can you really do it all by yourself? 

And everytime you think like that you get anxious but time goes by, and you think,"What should I do?" So you start with the one by you feet, and think it may work out, if i try washing these first. It's okay to look at the rest of the laundry. But if you only look at what's ahead of you you may trip over the laundry around your feet. 

It's important to think about the "now" and of what you can do "today". Because if you wash each piece one by one like that you might be able to finish your job easily, and be able to see the sun easily. 

At those times that you get worried you've got to take a break. For example, you could read a book or watch some tv or even eat siumen with everyone.

Fruits Basket - Takaya Natsuki

Mari bercuap-cuap :D