Raising Child

7/15/2012 0 Comments A+ a-

Your child will be a human just like you. The things that you were happy to receive and the things that happened to you that made you sad, you won't forget and you'll be there for your child. You'll give it lots of embraces and touches. You'll listen tou what your child has to say. If it does something wrong, you'll be sure to teach it why those things are bad. And if you ever lose control of yourself and end up wronging that child, then you will apologize and then you'll hug again. The two of us will raise our child like that

Fruits Basket - Takaya Natsuki

Ceritanya Si istri yang sedang hamil itu dulunya adalah anggota geng, suka berkelahi, dan bahkan juga diusir oleh orang tuanya. Nah, karena masa lalunya seperti itu, ia jadi takut kalau anaknya menolaknya karena masa lalunya itu. Jadi, si suami mengatakan hal itu.

Mari bercuap-cuap :D