Note to Myself

6/20/2012 2 Comments A+ a-

"Please,dont just look far outside.Just for a moment, look around u! While u wandering outside, u've hurt them, the people that u want to protect. Don't worry, don't be afraid. U won't be lost ur world, nor urself will be vanish. 

There must b a way out, u'll find it, one day, soon. But please, please, keep survive a little longer. Hold on,it'll be okay. 

Ur dream, it needs so much sacrifices. Because that is not a little dream,not at all!!!Just be the person who is worth for it. Please,keep it on ur mind. Implanted it to your heart, far beyond ur consciousness. 'Till u will be just do it,even without realizing it.

Please,i beg u!Because u are  the only one who have to fix it. Everyone has been change, Now it's ur turn. All of these is because of youself. So, fix it, not only for them,but for urself. Dont be afraid, nothing to be afraid of. U don't have to give up to your fear. It's time for u to change. So, just change yourself,K!!"

Kata-kata untuk diriku sendiri, agar aku mau melangkah maju. Namun, sepertinya yang kukhawatirkan sebelumnya benar-benar terjadi. Dan, pilihan terbaik memang harusnya aku keluar dari "lingkungan itu", segera. 

Semoga aku pun akan memiliki keberanian untuk melangkahkan kaki ini keluar dari sana. 


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M. Hudatullah
20 Juni 2012 pukul 15.01 delete

hold your own..
know your name..
and go your own way..

#malah nyanyi

20 Juni 2012 pukul 20.47 delete

Hehehe....makasih atas dukungannya, mas huda :D

itu, lirik lagu apa ya?


Mari bercuap-cuap :D