Lessons from Mangas

6/13/2012 0 Comments A+ a-

Moonlight Night
"Moonlight Night" teach me that if we dont say anything at all, then it's our consequence that no one understand us.

Fruits Basket

"Fruits basket" told me that it's ok to make mistake for sometimes, as long as we've done the best , and fixed it at our best. That way, it's gonna be better.
And so, ugliness is not the thing to be underestimated, mocked or looked down for. It's for us to be more understanding each other wound, so that we could learn to live together better.

'Takaya Natsuki' through her mangas teach me that sometimes we just judge everything without knowing the real reason of others' are, without hearing more, without seeing more, without seeking more.

Mari bercuap-cuap :D